Oneway Taxi Routes

Transportation from Prague to Dresden

Prague to Dresden

Once known as the “Venice of the River Elbe”, or as the “Florence of the North”, Dresden is not the city it once was, but it still is a magnificent city with plenty of architectural wonders. It is almost impossible to believe that Dresden was completely razed by the Allies during World War II and […]

Transportation from Prague to Salzburg

Prague to Salzburg

Located right next to the Alps, the Austrian city of Salzburg is a relatively small, but charming town with plenty to offer both culturally and historically. Although it is perhaps better known for being the birthplace of one of the greatest composers of all time, Mozart, Salzburg was actually home to several famous musicians and […]

Transportation from Prague to Budapest

Prague to Budapest

Beautifully mixing classical Western European and the harsher Eastern European architecture, Budapest is a dynamic city that gets livelier every day. Its youth seeks to abandon the Soviet influence and creates a trendy city with plenty offers to both tourists and residents alike. The Hungarian capital is actually composed of two sides, which were once […]

Transportation from Prague to Munich

Prague to Munich

Munich is famous for being Berlin’s edgier cousin. Sure, its nightlife might pale in comparison to Berlin and its enormous club scene, but Munich has plenty to offer culturally — and beer-wise. Arguably the most famous event in Munich, and one that attracts thousands of people from all over the entire world to the Bavarian […]

Transportation from Prague to Vienna

Prague to Vienna

Prague to Vienna The journey from Prague to Vienna takes about 4 hours by private transfer or about the same if you opt for the train or bus. Public flights from Prague to Vienna take about 45 minutes and are operated by Austrian Airlines.  Another way to travel from Prague to Vienna can be a […]

Transportation from Vienna to Prague

Vienna to Prague

Minibus transfer or car service from Vienna to Prague Transportation from Vienna to Prague is operated by a private car or a minivan / minibus for a fixed price. The drivers speak English. Cars and minivans are fully insured, spacious, clean and in perfect technical condition. See Also: Transfer from Prague to Vienna and day […]

Taxi from Prague to Berlin

Prague to Berlin

Berlin City Guide There are few cities in Europe that feel as big and as important as Berlin. Maybe it is due to its recent history (World War II was not that long ago and still has repercussions today), or due to its influx of young people from all over the world. Despite the reason, […]

From Berlin to Prague

Berlin to Prague

Berlin to Prague Private transfers from Berlin to Prague are ideal way to travel from the German to the Czech capital. Solo travelers may find it too expensive to hire a private driver with own car and thus can choose a train or bus instead. Train from Berlin to Prague Comfortable air conditioned trains Euro […]


Prague to Passau

Since Passau is located at the confluence of the Inn, Ilz and the Danube rivers, it is a very popular stop for tourists on river cruises. The three rivers surrounding the city have also made Passau widely known as the “City of Three Rivers”. Passau is the most favorite destination and pick up point for […]

Transportation from Prague to Vilshofen

Prague to Vilshofen an der Donau

If Passau is the “City of Three Rivers”, then Vilshofen an der Donau is most certainly the “Little Town of Three Rivers”. As the name implies, this small town is located at the confluence of three rivers: the Vils, the Wolfach and the Danube. Despite its size the town of Vilshofen has a very rich […]